The organization of the repair of buildings and structures is carried out by the repair and construction workshop, the head of which determines the technical means necessary for this purpose and the procedure for the work of work.
The main functions of the repair and construction workshop are:
1) the implementation of technical accounting of industrial buildings and structures and control over the correctness of their operation;
2) the leadership of the commission for the inspection and identification of the need for planning and overhaul and overhaul of industrial buildings and structures;
3) the production of construction work on the current and capital repair of industrial buildings and structures, housing and cultural institutions of the plant;
4) the implementation of repair and construction work related to the preparation of production;
5) monitoring the correctness of the consumption of all means and materials used for the production of repair and construction work;
6) improvement of the territory of the plant, including repair, maintenance of roads and sidewalks, landscaping, cleaning of the territory and premises of the general purpose, etc. p., as well as accounting for economic inventory at the factory.
To fulfill its functions, the repair and construction workshop must have all the necessary technical documentation (the general plan, a full set of building drawings of buildings, the floor plans of buildings, etc. p.), as well as keep accounting cards, building logs and other documentation in the established form. Constant monitoring of the state of buildings and structures in each workshop is carried out by a special person (usually mechanic of the workshop) on behalf of the head of the workshop. Constant observation is carried out by:
1) control over the implementation of the rules of operation of all premises of the workshop;
2) timely detection of individual damage to the elements and structures of the premises of the workshop.