Overhaul in the apartment is such an event, which not many apartment owners manage to avoid. The need to hold it arises in the case of the acquisition of a new apartment, and then in 10-15 years it has to be produced again. And so on. Since the overhaul of the apartment is a rather costly and time -consuming event, it is necessary to carefully prepare it. This will minimize the majority of unpleasant moments associated with this.
The simplest way out of this situation is the overhaul made “turnkey”. In principle, for this it is only necessary to find a suitable serious construction campaign that will take on all work related to overhaul. Today “turnkey” of apartments in Moscow is quite acceptable, although of course the costs will be incomparably more than in the case of such work on their own. In addition, in this way it is possible to save a large amount of time and nerve cells.
The cost of major repairs in different campaigns may differ significantly. Therefore, it is better to choose a campaign that was recommended, with good reviews. If the owner of the apartment has a desire to contact a company offering the lowest prices for their services, then in most cases, at the end of the overhaul, you have to independently engage in various alterations, which ultimately leads to even greater costs. After the final choice of the campaign is made, you should ask to voice the estimated cost of major repairs, multiply it by 1.5-2, and postpone the amount received. This will always be prepared for various surprises that are very difficult to foresee in advance.
It should be taken into account the fact that the overhaul in old apartments is a little more expensive than in new buildings. It is necessary to make sure that the estimate of the work drawn up by the builders takes into account the costs not only for finishing work, but also to clean the premises from construction waste. In addition, very many, in the process of overhaul, re -plan the apartment. Such work should be carried out taking into account the requirements of construction standards and rules, since their violation in the future can lead to undesirable negative consequences.