Block foundation is the fastest way to build a base for a garage. The construction process is devoid of technological delays, and therefore the zero cycle ends very quickly. Of course, you will not be able to achieve a whole surface, but to acquire concrete the necessary strength, you need to suspend construction work for about a month.
Block foundation is this building structure, which is used to form the prefabricated base of the building. FBS concrete blocks have gained great popularity. They are produced by Furniture plants, where there are better conditions to fulfill all the stages. To obtain a dense shrinkage of concrete mixture, vibration pressing is used. Then, for eight hours, the product is carried out in special. chambers, for setting the required strength.
In other conditions, this is hardly feasible, and if it turns out, then for only the large costs of acquiring equipment. That is why the main advantage of factory concrete blocks is their price. Thanks to automation and production volumes, these products are highly available.
However, the cost is not the most important indicator that must be taken into account when buying blocks for the foundation. The main factor determining the choice is the boundary load shown on the foundation. Modern GOSTs have established norms for different types of products, this means that factory products must be tested quality. In addition, foundation blocks have additional characteristics.
Concrete can additionally be strengthened by frost -resistant additives. Due to which they acquire frost resistance, so they are suitable for use in the regions, with the dominant harsh climate. Concrete also happens with granite crushed stone additions, thanks to this, the foundation from blocks is resistant to acidic soil.
The factories make products that have different sizes. To assemble the foundations of high -rise buildings with the active use of construction equipment, it is more profitable to use blocks that have a large size. For small structures, it is better to use lightweight samples.
Today, the block foundation has an important role in fast construction. Factory samples, have excellent quality characteristics and have a relatively low cost. Thanks to modern technologies, blocks are resistant to temperature fluctuations and the effects of acidic media.