Parquet is the same material that has been known since ancient times of the past. And to this day, such a name as “Tsarist parquet” remained in everyday life, which designers are understood as the art design of the floor through different colors of hopes and lamellas. Parquet in the preferences of modern style images is second only to such a floor covering as a parquet board. If you carry out the selection of a shade of parquet, which will perfectly harmonize with the interior, then you can achieve the exclusivity of the interior solution. This material is the best suited for a city apartment and for a country cottage, where the value of the floor is very important, and sometimes the perception of the repairs performed depends on it as a whole. Someone believes that the parquet board and parquet are one and the same, just the board is a component of the parquet. Of course, it’s not at all. Only similar names make confusion.
The price of the price is a separate question. The cost of a parquet board is much lower than the cost of a parquet of the same class. There are no differences in design and quality, because both of the high quality of both floor coverings.