Moscow residents do not strongly complain mortgage lending. As soon as they do not call her, and with a clamp on the neck, and with deceit, and the shackles for the rest of their life. Nevertheless, to a greater or lesser extent, they are still ready to reconcile with her if there is an amount in hand, which is equal to half the price of housing. With such an initial contribution, people felt more confident and even calm. It was precisely such conclusions that the experts of the Metrinfo Journal of Real Estate came, after conducting another study that was devoted to the identification of the attitude of the capital’s citizens to mortgage lending.
The fact that the attitude to the mortgage was not important was clear from previous polls that were conducted by metrinfo and other publications, because it was not for nothing that Muscovites consider the mortgage of a real bondage and do not believe that it will be possible to take housing on credit at 5-6 percent in year. Studying public opinion, the publication was interested in people with what mortgage parameters could arrange them. So, it was possible to establish what is the amount of the unrealistic payment for the family, which turned out to be 10-20 thousand per month. Conducting this survey, the magazine set for himself the goal of setting the amount on the hands with which it would not be scary to go to the bank for a mortgage loan. Nevertheless, before that, sociologists have established whether Muscovites consider that taking mortgage loans is risky.
As a result, the unconditional majority of the respondents who took part in the survey, namely 80.6 percent agreed that a mortgage is a risky business. Why? People responded to such a clarification by phrases of the general plan, and also deepened into reasoning. The statements of a general nature should include something like such an answer: in the country, the economic situation is not distinguished by stability, there is no certainty that there will be tomorrow, there are fears that in the current conditions it simply will not go out to pay a loan and so on. The statements seemed to be radically radical, like “deceive us everywhere”, “mortgage is real slavery” and so on. The specifics in answers, for example, boiled down to the fact that the survey participants explained that wages are not high, and loans – very much, including interest, do not please.
5.8 percent of respondents believe that a mortgage is not dangerous, and it is necessary to judge the availability of a mortgage in only each case, since it all depends on the income of the borrower, other situations and so on. The rest of the respondents found it difficult to answer.
When the capital’s citizens were asked about what amount of funds is necessary so as not to be afraid to be a borrower of the bank, the most popular answer was-at least 50 percent of the price of housing or 3-4 million rubles.