Bimetall – compositional metal material, which consists of two layers of various metals or alloys. Such can be combinations of steel and aluminum, titanium and molybdenum, titanium and aluminum, and many others. Thanks to such compositions, strength, corrosion stability, heat resistance of the material increases, its mass decreases, which, in addition to the structural advantage, also gives economic benefits.
Bimetalls are used in many industries, such as petrochemical, energy, nuclear, shipbuilding, instrument -building, etc. In most situations, the use of bimetalls is due to the fight against corroding factors. In this case, the main metal of the structure, such as steel, is covered on one or both sides by another metal, resistant to corrosion, such as copper, silver or brass.
The disadvantage of this method is that at the joints or cuts of metals, over time, corrosion processes that penetrate the material still begin. Bimetallic plates are widespread in the design of devices and devices, using the difference in thermal expansion coefficients of various metals. On this principle, many relay, thermometers, measuring devices are based on this principle. Babbitis is widely used to steel bearings to obtain an antifriction effect, that is, a reduction in friction.
The manufacture of bimetalls is carried out mainly by plating – hot rolling and pressing, as well as welding with an explosion. The plane is based on the diffusion of metals, with the deformation of sheets under the influence of heat treatment. As a result of rolling, it turns out a two -layer sheet with the necessary parameters. So, the main layer of bimetall gives it mechanical and strength characteristics, and the plate layer increases resistance to temperature, corrosion.
Despite the greater prevalence of the plate, the method of welding the explosion is technologically and economically more profitable. It implies the connection of metal plates during collision at high speed, due to the explosion. Thus, you can get two -layer sheets on an industrial scale at low costs. It can also be noted the method of gas -terminal spraying, which allows you to obtain almost any compounds of melting metals.
In addition, with the help of such spraying, you can create several layers that give various improvements in the properties of the metal. However, this method is so far too expensive to use it in large industries.