When working on the arrangement of the road surface, corrugation is indispensable – machines evenly applying layers of tar and bitumen on the processed surface of the road. There are three varieties of cornflowers – small corrugations, handed by hand, used as trailers and corrugated gurodnators with a car -basis with sports fraud so that there was where to cling to the trailer. The simplest device has manual corrugations, they consist of a tank with a capacity of up to half a ton of liters, a pump, a metal flexible sleeve and a manual distributor with one or three nozzles.
Manual corrugations are used for small volumes of work where the use of large equipment is difficult or inappropriate. Precedented corrugated gurodnators are used as trailers for autobitum trucks. They are equipped with devices for pumping and distributing bitumen or tar.
The most difficult type of cornfields are auto connectors. They are equipped with a mechanical bitumen distribution system. Motor monitors are used on time of such road works that require impregnation, drainage, surface processing and preparation of Bitumen and tar mixtures directly during the work.
Auto -connectors have a significant tank capacity (up to seven tons), and the tank has a heating system for the suitable mixture. The distribution system is acted by either an autonomous engine, or it is possible to use part of the power of the engine of the machine.
Auto-controllers are equipped with instrumental devices that allow you to monitor the process of work performed. Motor monitors retain the necessary parameters of the bitumen mixture, regardless of external conditions, and also have the ability to automatically clean the system of distribution of the bitumen mixture.